The Dimensions of Wellness: Pathways to a Healthier Life
Health and Wellness are two important factors that govern our lives. One is incomplete without the other. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (illness)” and Wellness as “the optimal state of health of individuals and groups and a positive approach to living”.
Where health is the aim, wellness is the route to achieve it. Wellness comprises our actions or choices for a healthy mind and body. We must make informed decisions regarding our health and wellness with proper knowledge and skills. This leads us to maintain a
- Healthy lifestyle
- Prevent illness or injury
- Manage chronic conditions
Social determinants of health (SDH)
Certain parameters influence our health and wellness, such as the conditions under which we are born, bred, educated, work, live, and die. These social determinants of health (SDH) affect us positively and negatively.
- Education
- Housing and basic amenities
- Environment
- Income and social protection
- Unemployment and job insecurity
- Early childhood development
- Social inclusion and non-discrimination
- Structural conflict
- Access to affordable health services of decent quality
- Working life conditions
- Food insecurity
We should be well informed as to deal with each and every parameter to achieve good health and wellness balance.
Impact of health and wellness on our lives:
The dimensions of health and wellness have an astounding impact on our lives. Leading a healthy lifestyle, following a healthy routine, exercising, movement, proper hydration, and sound sleep all make us healthy. There is a reduction in health risks like cardiovascular attacks, muscle pains, hypertension, and diabetes, among others.
Wellness, on the other hand, improves our mental and emotional quotients, and reduces the possibility of mental illness, depression, anxiety, stress, and panic attacks, to name a few. We become more attentive to ourselves and reflect inwards to consciously follow all steps required for a healthy existence.
Triggers that need to be worked on
We are unaware, at times, that certain triggers need to be watched and worked on. These are the health risks that we may face if we do not become aware at the right time. The appropriate remedial steps are to be taken, on priority, if we exhibit the following behaviors:
- Physical inactivity: Staying physically inactive increases the risk of illnesses. It also increases conditions like weight gain/obesity, indigestion, cardiovascular issues, hypertension, and diabetes.
- Stress: Stress has become an integral part of our lives. We need to follow ways and means to reduce our stress levels thereby eliminating the risks of chronic illnesses like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, associated with it.
- Tobacco use: The urge to ‘light up’ may lead to our ‘light out’! Abstinence from tobacco use should be practiced to prevent cancer.
- Alcohol use: Alcohol dependence should be curbed instantly. Your liver will thank you once you cease or greatly reduce consuming alcohol.
- Sleeping pattern: irregular sleep patterns may lead to lethargy, inability to concentrate, and disruption of your body system. Practice sound sleep for better attention and focus.
- Nutrition: Food habits with a larger intake of oily, spicy, and fast food, may increase your risk of illnesses like diabetes, obesity, indigestion, bloating, etc. Proper nutritious food, fruits, and vegetables should be consumed.
Dimensions of health and wellness:
Various dimensions of health and wellness help us mold our lives.
- Physical dimension: These are the attributes that are essential for our physical health and wellness. They include nutrition, exercise, weight management, adequate hydration, sound sleep, and abstinence from tobacco/alcohol/drugs, all of which have a positive impact and keep us healthy. Thereby reducing the impact of any illnesses. Our stress levels are lowered and our energy levels are increased thereby enhancing our productivity and leading to growth both academically and occupationally. Homemakers need to be physically fit, too, to manage their homes better and learn to take care of their health, which they otherwise tend to shrug off. There are mobile apps that track your physical activity, calories burnt, calories consumed, and water intake. Long live tech!
- Emotional dimension: We are completely engulfed in emotions. The aptitude with which we need to balance and handle our emotions makes us emotionally stronger. We learn to adapt to any given situation, make the best of our current situation, and learn to deal with unpleasant situations. We become adept at managing our emotions leading to a stronger emotional wellness. Being emotionally strong is very important, given the busy and stressful lives we are leading.
- Social dimension: Our social relationships, social connections, and communication skills together make our social wellness. Man is a social animal. We are connected by relationships, be it family, friends, co-workers, employers, attendants, caregivers, service providers, among others. These relationships make us stronger to face any good, bad, or ugly situations in life. Interacting regularly in a positive manner in these relationships makes us satisfied that we have someone to fall back on. On the other hand, they too feel that they can approach us in times of need or otherwise. Our interpersonal relationships improve as do our communications. We learn to effectively communicate and thereby we are easily approachable. It also feels good to be of some help to others.
- Financial dimension: Our knowledge and skills that assist in managing our finances make us financially stronger. Money is the biggest boon and curse in our life. Too little of it or too much of it, both are stressful situations. We should learn to give priority to our finances. Money can buy all the tangible assets but not intangible ones. We should not blindly run after money ignoring our health and relationships in the bargain. On the other hand, we should not resort to unfair or illegal means to earn money. Learning to use our finances optimally, spending on a budget, planning expenditure, saving a part of it, donating a part of it, loaning a part of it, investing a part of it, and spending a part of it, if done systematically will greatly improve our financial health and wellness. Awareness of scams, frauds, loan offers, market research of investments, and advice of experienced professionals, all contribute to financial strength. However, we should not let emotions or relations rule our finances. A level-headed approach and focus are all that is needed.
- Occupational dimension: Work satisfaction in our occupation greatly impacts our occupational wellness. The joy we find in our work and the purpose of our work are important too. Those who love what they do (occupation) are lucky indeed. On the one hand, they love their work, and, as an add-on, they get paid for it too! What a win-win situation. Working diligently and sincerely as well as maintaining good relations with employers/co-workers is important for occupational health and wellness. The positivity of the working atmosphere and the assistance of employers/co-workers helps to manage the daily work stress to a great extent. Balancing work-leisure becomes easier, after all, “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.” Our sense of responsibility makes us confident and our self-esteem is enhanced. We feel happier that we are doing something productive and making good use of our time. We become disciplined in our lives and learn to manage life better.
- Intellectual dimension: Continuously stimulating our brain improves our intellectual health and wellness. Indulging in creative activities like learning something new, pursuing your hobbies, and doing what interests you, form part of the process of good intellectual growth. The joy we get from learning something new that is contrary to our nature is deeply satisfying. For example: you are an introvert but you enroll for a kickboxing class – it is so out of your comfort zone. Yet you want to try out something that is so “not you”. This is so very commendable as this shows your thirst for knowledge and the unknown. How you fare in it, is another aspect altogether. But you attempted it, and that makes you a champ!
- Spiritual dimension: The search for our life and the reason for our existence helps to increase our spiritual health and wellness. This is not limited to just religion, but, to our morals, values, principles, and beliefs, which guide us in our decision-making process. These guide our actions too thereby simplifying our capability to choose and decide. They are the grounding force that is imperative during the times that we need to overcome the changes occurring in our lives. This enhances our resilience thereby making us stronger spiritually and we can easily face adverse circumstances as well as lead a peaceful life.
- Environmental dimension: This is the dimension that connects us with the environment around us. The ability that inspires us to live responsibly and understand that all our actions have some impact on the environment and the people around us, be it good or bad. A safe and stimulating environment helps us grow. Nature has a positive effect on all of us. if we take care of our environment, it will take care of us. Following sustainable practices like disposal of garbage, segregation of wet, dry and hazardous waste, planting saplings, using eco-friendly items, conservation of forests, conservation of water, conservation of energy and resources, conservation of fuel, recycling, abstinence from using plastic, preserving the forests/birds/animals, preserving flora/fauna, abolishing poaching, cease felling trees, will all make a huge difference to the world. The floods/famine/droughts will greatly reduce and the oxygen content in the atmosphere will increase, greenery/flora/fauna will thrive, and the earth will be a safer and happier place to live in. Animosity will end and we will all live happily ever after.
- Digital dimension: We are lost without our digital devices and we spend most of our days in digital space. Curtailing our use of digital space and taking a digital detox is important. Setting aside the digital devices for a specific period each day, helps us enjoy the day-to-day pleasures of life. We spend more time with our family/ friends/pets, we indulge in our favorite hobbies, we relax, we destress, we meditate, we journal, we exercise, we sleep, we cook, we eat, we sing, we dance, we sketch, we paint, we write, there are so many things that we miss out on. There are mobile apps that notify us that we need to keep away from our digital devices! Imagine tech telling you to keep away from tech-based devices! 😊 Managing our real-time over device time enhances our digital wellness. Just flashback to the time when no digital devices were ruling our lives. The same magic can be recreated with some discipline.
All the health and wellness dimensions work together to make us “healthy, wealthy, and wise”. If the balance is shaken then there may be problems. Life is simple, we just complicate it with our actions and thoughts. Managing our mind, body, soul, emotions, thoughts, deeds, and actions to the best of our ability will make us evolve into better versions of ourselves. Once we achieve that, we can all work together to make the world a better place to live in.
To conclude with a couple of lines of a song by the U.S.A. for Africa – “We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.”