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Zestful Zumba – Dancing Your Way To Indian-Inspired Fitness

Reading Time: 5 minutes Zestful Zumba – Dancing Your Way To Indian-Inspired Fitness Remember Aerobics? Where do we exercise to music? Well, Zumba is similar –  a fusion of physical exercise and dance to Latino music. It is very energetic and involves simple dance steps and exercises, which anyone at any age can do. Be it your 50-year-old Mother or your 8-year-old child. Zumba has its origins in Columbia which can be traced to the 1990’s. It all began when a Fitness instructor Alberto “Beto” Perez, forgot his Aerobics music tapes at home. He got the idea to use his personal playlist, consisting of Latino tracks, and take the class with this improvisation, and the rest is history. Zumba became very popular and a customized fitness class based on Latino music was developed. He, along with two other Alberto-s – Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion, created this style of fitness and fun. Alberto Perez, Choreographer and creator of Zumba. [wikimedia commons] Zumba in India: Pioneering the Fitness Revolution Today Zumba is very popular and has a very wide reach worldwide. It was the vision of Ms.Sucheta Pal, who introduced India to Zumba in 2021, after facing many hardships both personally and professionally. She is an accredited Zumba trainer, and seeing her work, many Indian women have received training and become Zumba instructors in India.   My experience with Zumba happened at a family get-together in a sanatorium in Lonavala. People visiting there have to organize some activity in which all the visitors can participate. So my cousins organized a Zumba session and all of us had a great time doing Zumba (which was a mix of exercises and dance moves) to the music. Believe me, in that session each and every part of your body is involved. All in all it’s a fun activity to stay fit and healthy. Benefits of Zumba: Dance Your Way to Better Health Zumba consists of a full body workout in a fun manner so that you enjoy yourself plus you have the benefit of staying fit. These workouts are beneficial in the following manner: Promotes weight loss as you are burning more calories Your muscles get toned and blood circulation reaches all parts of your body. Improves co-ordination of the body Promotes de-stressing and is enjoyable Improves cardiovascular health Elevates your mood Makes you feel good about yourself – an increase in self-worth Hones your reflexes Makes you move to the rhythm of the music – increasing alertness Appropriate for all age groups Builds up the endurance of the body Best morning workout to get the oxygen flowing in your body Improves blood pressure levels Socially rewarding as you get to meet people from all walks of life in your class Adaptable as per your individual requirements Improves body balance A good way to learn dance Such benefits make it worth the while.  So you can ignore those aching body parts and continue Zumba, after all as they say “No pain, no gain”.     Zumba: More Than Just Dance – A Path to Personal Growth Zumba aims to exercise your body in a fun way, enjoy it and feel good about yourself. It is a way to build up your stamina and also mental wellness. I mean, who can beat such a cool combination? These are the small ways in which we can develop ourselves personally. A step towards our ultimate goal in life – to be a better human being to do our bit for Society, and to co-exist peacefully with fellow humans.     The World of Zumba: Personalized Fitness, New Friendships, and a Dream Career There are various Zumba teaching classes and instructors are taught how to personalize their sessions according to their students. The sessions are designed keeping in mind the weight, medical condition and medical history of each student. The instructors are trained as to which exercises are to be done and which are to be avoided in case some student has some underlying health condition. This is really a good way to have personalised steps which do not harm your body and also a good way to work on those parts of your body that need exercise the most.   Zumba, being a group activity, increases your interaction with the group members and you can form lifelong friendships. You can hang out together and help each other. It’s a good way for introverts to lessen their fear of meeting new people. You get to hear of their life experiences and learn more about life. You can analyse your life and learn how to oversee some of your actions and how you can improve your life.  Becoming a Zumba instructor means you get paid for doing something you love, Now, this is the best deal! Just imagine !! It is a fact that people have given up their mundane high-paying jobs, and turned professional Zumba instructors and are not regretting this at all. As they say, everyone has some or other hidden talent inside them, just takes the right time for it to appear. And when it does, grab it with both hands and give it your best! Conclusion: Zumba provides a dynamic path to fitness and personal growth. It’s not just about breaking a sweat but also breaking barriers and making new connections. The personalized approach ensures a safe and enjoyable workout for everyone. So, why not let the rhythm move you, and perhaps, you too can turn your passion into a fulfilling career? Zumba isn’t just a dance; it’s a lifestyle, a community, and a journey to becoming a better version of yourself. Join the Zumba revolution and let the music guide you to a healthier, happier, and more harmonious life. Author: Ms Rupal Sonpal Editorial The Medical Perspective: Helmets as a Lifesaving Measure for Head Injury Prevention 8 Commonly Asked Questions When Visiting a Psychiatrist​ Understanding the Body Language of an Interviewer An Analysis of Abortion Laws in the United States Celebrating National Doctor's Day: Prioritizing Regular Health Checkups for

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Journey To The Source: Exploring The Origins Of Ayurveda

Reading Time: 4 minutes Journey To The Source: Exploring The Origins Of Ayurveda Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, where “Ayur” signifies Life, and “Veda” signifies Sciences. This medicine system has its roots in ancient India and originated about 3000 to 5000 years ago, prevailing to the present day. With a Rich history and traditional heritage, Ayurveda is often admired and esteemed for its holistic approach to health and well-being. Just imagine how they managed to find cures for all ailments without the help of modern Science! According to Hindu mythology, the origins of Ayurveda can be traced back to the Creator of the Universe- Lord Brahma, who passed on the knowledge to Dhanvantari, the physician of the Gods. Another legend suggests that Lord Brahma shared holistic healing knowledge with sages, who passed it down through generations, eventually reaching the common people through oral narratives and writings. Yet another legend claims that Lord Brahma transmitted this holistic wisdom to Lord Indra, who then passed it to Atreya, the author of the Rig Veda and the Atharva Veda. Agnivesa compiled this Vedic knowledge, and Charaka further refined it. This compilation is known as the Charaka Samhita, encompassing all aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. The founder of Ayurveda is Charaka also called Charaka Muni, an ancient scholar and physician who contributed notably to the Ayurveda field of medicine. His work, the Charaka Samhita, continues to be a vital reference for holistic medicine practitioners and has been translated into Tibetan, Greek, Chinese, Arabic, and Persian. Ancient Wisdom Scripted in the Vedas The Vedas, the earliest written scriptures in the Sanskrit language, contain profound knowledge. The Atharva Veda, in particular, imparts wisdom about the healthy lifestyle we ought to follow. Ayurveda, often referred to as the 5th Veda has its roots in these ancient texts. Within these historical scriptures, the teachings concerning the healing properties of various herbs and medicinal plants are conveyed through poetic verses known as “Shlokas.” Recognition of Ayurveda on Global Platform In fact, Nepal has embraced Ayurveda and issued a National Policy on Ayurveda and it is widely practised there. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized it as a traditional medicine system, acknowledging its significance alongside other conventional medical systems from different countries. This recognition highlights Ayurveda’s importance in the global healthcare landscape. Principles of Ayurveda The Core Elements: According to Ayurveda, the body has four basics : Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni aka “Mool Siddhant” which form the  basic fundamentals of Ayurvedic treatment. 6 Pillars of Ayurveda: There are six pillars of Ayurveda i.e. right food, right exercise, right sleep, breathing & stress management, cleansing and self-awareness/self-reflectionIn essence, these principles are precisely what the doctor prescribes! Dietitians and physicians recommend this lifestyle to ensure our lives remain healthy and free from diseases. The regulatory principles of Ayurveda are “Vata” (wind), “Pitta” (bile) and “Kapha” (phlegm) aka “Tridoshas” which correspond to the three elements in the Universe : air, fire and water.   “Vata” – maintains the activities of the cells in our body, electrolyte balance, and eliminates waste products. “Pitta” – regulates body temperature, co-ordinates optic nerves, manages hunger and thirst “Kapha” – lubricates our joins for easy body movement Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of maintaining a perfect balance of these three doshas to prevent illness and promote overall well-being. However, it’s essential to note that Ayurvedic principles and practices are based on a holistic approach to health, and individualized recommendations may vary based on a person’s constitution (Prakriti) and current state of health (Vikriti). Ayurvedic medicines are renowned for their lack of side effects, as they are crafted from natural herbs, medicinal plants, and sometimes incorporate the essence of fruits, spices, animal extracts, and minerals. These remedies are complemented by adopting a wholesome diet, a balanced lifestyle, and regular exercise. Notably, Baba Ramdev, a Yoga guru, and his partner Acharya Balkrishna established Patanjali Ayurved in Haridwar, a company specializing in Ayurvedic medicines and food products. In an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, Kapil Sharma shared that actor Akshay Kumar follows a practice of chewing each bite of his food around 40 to 42 times. This aligns with the golden rule of Ayurveda, where chewing each bite 32 times is recommended for better food absorption and easier digestion Kerala: The Ayurvedic Paradise Kerala, a state in Southern India, renowned for its geographical location and beauty and wide array of natural herbs/plants, is considered the Paradise of Ayurveda. It is said that a physician from Sindh province visited Kerala in search of natural herbs and trees, and since they were found in abundance, thence began the association of Kerala and Ayurveda. While Kerala is a prominent hub for Ayurveda, Ayurvedic practices and treatments are used in various states across India, and it’s also recognized as an alternative or complementary system of medicine in many parts of the country. There are many Ayurvedic centres/spas here, where people come to rejuvenate and enjoy Ayurvedic therapy. There are also the largest number of Ayurveda colleges and practitioners in Kerala, as compared to the rest of India or the world Conclusion: Our country has so much richness in terms of culture and medicine. We should acknowledge this and ensure that this heritage is preserved for the coming generations, so that they can also reap its benefits, like us.    To conclude with an Ayurvedic proverb “ When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use, when diet is correct, medicine is of no need”. Ms Rupal Sonpal

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Editorial, The Journey

The Ketogenic Diet: Fueling Your Body with Fats

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Ketogenic Diet: Fueling Your Body with Fats In a world where low-fat and low-calorie diets have dominated the weight loss scene for years, the ketogenic diet has emerged as a groundbreaking approach to shedding pounds and enhancing mental clarity. This dietary regimen, often referred to as keto, is not just a passing trend but a scientifically backed strategy for transforming your body by shifting the primary source of energy from carbohydrates to fats. In this article, we’ll dive into the science behind the ketogenic diet, explore its benefits, and provide guidance on how to get started. Understanding the Ketogenic Diet The ketogenic diet is characterized by its high-fat, low-carbohydrate, and moderate-protein intake. The primary goal of this diet is to induce a state of ketosis in the body. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body primarily relies on fat for fuel instead of glucose from carbohydrates. To achieve this state, you must significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake, typically to around 5-10% of your daily caloric intake, while increasing your fat consumption to approximately 70-75%. The Science Behind Ketosis When you consume fewer carbohydrates, your body’s glucose reserves become depleted. As a result, your liver starts converting stored fat into molecules called ketones, which serve as an alternative energy source. This transition from glucose to ketones is what defines the ketogenic state. Ketones are not only an efficient energy source but also cross the blood-brain barrier, providing your brain with a steady supply of fuel. Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet and Getting Started with Keto! Weight Loss: One of the most significant benefits of the ketogenic diet is its effectiveness in weight management. By reducing carb intake and increasing fat consumption, your body enters a state where it burns stored fat for energy. This can lead to significant weight loss over time. Improved Mental Clarity: Many individuals on the keto diet report improved mental focus and clarity. This is attributed to the stable energy supply ketones provide to the brain, reducing fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Better Blood Sugar Control: For people with type 2 diabetes or those at risk, the ketogenic diet can help regulate blood sugar levels by reducing carbohydrate intake and improving insulin sensitivity. Epilepsy Management: The ketogenic diet was initially developed as a treatment for epilepsy. It remains a valuable therapy for drug-resistant epilepsy, especially in children. Getting Started with Keto Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before starting any diet, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions. Plan Your Meals: Create a meal plan that emphasizes healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, along with moderate protein sources like lean meats and fatty fish. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial on the ketogenic diet to help balance electrolytes and minimize potential side effects like the “keto flu.” Monitor Ketosis: You can use ketone strips or a blood ketone meter to track your ketone levels and ensure you’re in ketosis. Be Patient: The initial transition to ketosis may come with side effects such as fatigue and cravings, but these usually subside within a few days to weeks. Celebrities Who Have Embraced the Ketogenic Diet The ketogenic diet has gained popularity not only among the general population but also among some well-known celebrities. Their experiences and endorsements have contributed to the widespread recognition of the diet. Here are a few notable celebrities who have tried or publicly discussed their experiences with the ketogenic diet: Halle Berry: Halle Berry, an Academy Award-winning actress, is known for her advocacy of the ketogenic diet. She has been quite vocal about her journey with type 2 diabetes and how the ketogenic diet has played a crucial role in managing her condition. Diagnosed with diabetes at a young age, Berry turned to the ketogenic diet to help her maintain stable blood sugar levels. She frequently shares her experiences and insights regarding how this dietary approach has positively impacted her health. Halle Berry’s story serves as an inspiring example of how the ketogenic diet can be used as a valuable tool for individuals dealing with diabetes and insulin resistance. LeBron James: LeBron James, a basketball legend in the NBA, is not just famous for his on-court prowess but also for his commitment to maintaining peak physical condition. During his offseason training, LeBron has reportedly adopted a ketogenic-inspired diet as part of his comprehensive fitness regimen. This dietary approach involves reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing healthy fat consumption to support his athletic performance. LeBron’s dedication to nutrition and his utilization of the ketogenic diet have been key factors in his ability to excel on the basketball court. Kim Kardashian: Reality TV star Kim Kardashian is widely recognized for her publicized weight loss journey and her association with the ketogenic diet. Following the birth of her children, Kim Kardashian credited the ketogenic diet for helping her shed post-pregnancy weight successfully. Her openness about her experiences and endorsement of the diet has led to increased public interest in the ketogenic lifestyle. Kim’s journey illustrates how the ketogenic diet can be used as a tool for weight management and post-pregnancy recovery, and her influence has contributed to the diet’s popularity. Hrithik Roshan: Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan is celebrated not only for his acting skills but also for his remarkable physique and commitment to physical fitness. To maintain his lean and sculpted body, Roshan has reportedly incorporated the ketogenic diet into his dietary regimen. This dietary approach involves reducing carbohydrate intake while increasing the consumption of healthy fats. Hrithik emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition, including a low-carb, high-fat diet, in achieving and maintaining his fitness goals. His dedication to both his craft and his physical health serves as an inspiration to many. Rana Daggubati: South Indian actor Rana Daggubati gained widespread recognition for his role as Bhallaladeva in the highly acclaimed “Baahubali” film series. Daggubati has openly discussed his experience with the ketogenic diet, particularly in terms of weight management and energy enhancement.

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