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Know the Health Benefits Of Consuming Ginger Water


Ginger root or the rhizome of the plant “Zingiber officinale”, a spice,  known for its medicinal properties has a history dating back to centuries. History traces its origin to Maritime Southeast Asia, being one of the first spices to be exported to Europe as the spice trade. It was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. In India, China, and Japan, it has been used as a traditional medicine since centuries.


Cited for its health benefits and medicinal properties, ginger is best consumed in its raw form. An easy way to consume ginger is to infuse your drinking water or your favorite “adrak wali chai” (ginger tea) with it. Of course, Indian households use ginger as a seasoning agent while some consume ginger powder every day for health benefits.

Ginger Water

As we all know, hydration is very important and, what better way to double its benefits, than by adding some diced ginger to our water bottles? That way, we kill two birds with one stone – stay hydrated as well as avail the benefits of ginger. Sometimes, it does tend to get boring drinking plain water, so some healthy seasoning is always welcome. Ginger is easily available and found in almost every Indian household.  Ginger has traditional medicinal properties and is also used in Ayurveda and Homeopathy streams of medicine.

Health Benefits Of Ginger Water

Traditional Medicine:


 Ginger water is a traditional medicine that is not harmful, if consumed in moderation.



Ginger water has healing properties as it contains antioxidants which are beneficial for our skin, hair and body.

Reduce Illness


The antioxidants make managing the free radicals easier thereby reducing the risk of medical conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s.

Metabolism booster

Ginger water is a good source of potassium which aids in maintaining the salt level in our cells thereby improving our metabolism, heart health, muscle strength and  bone health. It also contains gingerol, shogaol, zingerone and various other compounds, which emit a pungent, strong aroma and flavour , that aid in enhancing its properties

Reduce Cholesterol:


The LDL levels in our body depend on our diet. Drinking ginger water everyday can reduce the triglycerides and LDL, bad cholesterol in our body thereby decreasing risk of strokes, as per a study published in the Saudi Medical Journal.

Weight Loss:


Drinking ginger water every day improves the absorption of nutrients to release more energy.  It reduces hunger pangs / food cravings and we tend to cease binge eating. We feel fuller and therefore we eat lesser as a result our weight reduces.

Skin Care:


Ginger water fights the free radicals and makes our skin tone even and glowing. It reduces ageing and tightens our skin



Ginger water with its anti – inflammatory properties reduces inflammation and also fights all types of infections, thereby making us healthier. It can ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Menstrual Cramps:


Ginger water can reduce menstrual cramps and pain effectively.

Lowers Blood Pressure:


Ginger water aids in lowering our blood pressure thereby keeping us healthy. Thus any incidental issues related to high blood pressure are tamed.

Lowers Blood sugar:


Ginger water is known to lower blood sugar levels in type-2 Diabetes patients as it helps the body use insulin effectively.

Oral Health:


Ginger water is known as an effective antimicrobial that may kill some common oral bacteria types. It prevents bad breath, bacterial infections and periodontal disease.

Calms Nausea and soothes Soreness:


Ginger water is known for its effect to calm nausea, morning sickness and seasickness. It eases indigestion and vomiting sensations. Soreness of muscles is somewhat alleviated by the consumption of ginger water.

Lessens Cancer Growth:


As per some studies it has been mentioned that the molecules present in ginger water may curb the growth of colorectal, gastric, ovarian, liver, skin, breast, and prostate cancers. However this is not yet fully established so cannot be confirmed.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Health Considerations When Drinking Ginger Water

A fact to be noted here is that children below 2 years of age, pregnant women, patients having blood thinning medicines, patients with heart conditions or diabetes or gallstones should not consume ginger water. It is always better to consult your medical practitioner before consuming ginger water.  Ginger water does not have any major risks, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.


Recommendation : The dosage of ginger water, per day, should contain 3 to 4 grams of ginger extract i.e. 4 cups water steeped with ½  teaspoon grated ginger.

Last but not the least, drinking ginger water is a technique for you to maintain good hydration levels, which is so very important. It all boils down to a healthy lifestyle that must be maintained by us. After all a healthy ‘you’ is a happier ‘you’!

the aartery chronicles

Ms Rupal Sonpal

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