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Online dating: Impact on mental health

As technology advances, the methods of finding romantic partners have expanded beyond traditional settings like parties or mutual connections. Online dating has surged in popularity over the past decade, enabling individuals to connect with potential partners across different time zones with just a swipe.

Market Growth and Emerging Trends

According to Statista, the online dating market in India is projected to reach USD 69.90 million in 2024. As the trend of finding partners through apps and websites grows, it is crucial to consider the potential issues associated with this trend.

Expert Insights on Online Dating Culture

Kamna Chibber, Head of the Department of Mental Health & Behavioural Sciences at Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurugram, shared her views on whether online dating culture is inherently toxic. She stated, “It cannot be called toxic in itself. One’s dating behaviour can become toxic based on their mindset.

Modern Dating Terminology

Online dating has introduced new terms to describe various phases and experiences in modern relationships, making the landscape more complex than the traditional stages of dating, engagement, and marriage.



  • Ghosting refers to the act of abruptly ignoring a partner by not replying to calls or texts and disappearing without explanation. This behaviour can negatively impact the person who is ghosted, leading to self-blame.
  • Zombies Zombieing occurs when a person who previously ghosted their partner attempts to rekindle the relationship. They try to win back their partner by justifying their previous behaviour and claiming to have changed.
  • Situationship A situation involves people getting romantically involved out of convenience, without the seriousness or commitment of a traditional relationship.

Impact on Mental Health

Kamna Chibber emphasized that online dating is a tool, and its effects depend on how it is used. “There is no direct link to a specific clinical condition. Various factors contribute to the development of a clinical condition or disorder. Directly linking online dating experiences to an illness is incorrect,” she said.

Challenges in Online Dating

Chibber also highlighted the anonymity that online dating can provide, which allows individuals to misrepresent their age, gender, sexual preferences, and other aspects of their lives. This can lead to difficult or toxic experiences for users.

Another issue is ‘dating app burnout,’ where excessive use of dating apps can lead to mental exhaustion. A recent survey revealed that users spend an average of 51 minutes on dating apps daily, with women spending slightly more time than men.

Coping with Online Dating

Chibber offered advice on managing online dating to avoid adverse effects. She recommended:


  • Having clarity about what you seek from a dating relationship.
  • Verifying facts about potential partners.
  • Walking away when you see red flags.
  • Taking responsibility for your behaviour.
  • Being authentic and honest.


As online dating continues to grow, it is essential to be mindful of its potential downsides and approach it with a clear and responsible mindset. By following expert advice, individuals can navigate the online dating landscape more effectively and avoid the pitfalls that may arise.

Source: Inputs from various media Sources 

Priya Bairagi

Priya Bairagi

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