Author's Page: Dr Amey Patil

Dr. Amey Patil is a dedicated healthcare professional and an emerging writer who passionately explores the domains of public health and community medicine. With a keen eye for addressing underrated and often overlooked topics, Dr. Patil is known for his ability to uncover the system's loopholes and offer innovative solutions.

  • Full Name: Dr. Amey Patil
  • Birthdate: February 4, 1997
  • Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS): DY Patil College of Ayurveda, Navi Mumbai.
  • Pursuing a Master of Public Health (MPH): at the National Institute of Public Health Training and Research (NIPHTR).

Dr. Amey Patil’s writing revolves around:

  • Public Health: With a deep commitment to public welfare, he delves into pressing health issues and provides fresh perspectives on improving healthcare systems.
  • Community Medicine: Addressing the needs of communities, Dr. Patil’s work sheds light on vital topics often overlooked by mainstream discourse.
  • System Analysis: He excels at identifying and highlighting the loopholes within systems and proposing innovative solutions for a better tomorrow.

Dr. Patil’s writing style is marked by its analytical depth, a knack for finding hidden truths, and a passion for driving positive change.

"To make a difference, seek out the stories untold and the issues unaddressed."

Articles by Dr Amey Patil

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