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Eating Out: An Unexplored Healthy Food Option


Eating out brings to mind a picture of food items like burgers, pasta, French fries, pizza, Biryani, Paneer Butter Masala, Chicken Tikka, Fritters like alu wada, kanda bhajiya, begun bhaja, wada pav, pav bhaji, Chinese fried rice, Hakka noodles, Paneer Manchurian, Banana Split, Hot Chocolate Fudge, Ice cream cake, pastries etc. etc. I know you must be salivating 😊   


Well, these dishes are delicious but are deep fried/have high salt or sugar content/are cooked so much to lose all the natural nutrients / heavy to digest / larger potions leading to overeating, excessive use of seasoning like MSG in some dishes, thereby leading to health-related problems. Of course, we all need some time out from our cooking and a chance to unwind and relax.  We need a change from our daily routine which is important.

How is eating out healthy?

This is the question that comes to mind. Well, certain tips can make eating out healthy too. If we follow these tips, we can certainly enjoy eating out.

Tips for eating healthy

Did you know there are various types of Counselling? Let us see what they are and how they impact us.

  • Hydration: Hydration is very important for our body, as we all know. So it is recommended to be well hydrated before your meal to aid with digestion and also control your urge to binge.


  • Menu: It is better to peruse the menu online so that you know which dishes you want to order in advance. Online menus are easily available for this. You can select the eatery of your choice based on the menu.


  • Information: Once you have decided on your desired eatery, you can request information about the preparation and ingredients of your meal. Many eateries help cater to your tastes and specific dietary requirements. You can request for your meal to be cooked without oil, salt, sugar, or fats. This helps if you have any allergies/ food intolerances.


  • Selection:  Select dishes that are boiled, steamed, grilled, stir-fried, roasted, poached, or pan-fried, instead of deep-fried. Deep-fried food is not healthy for our bodies and should be avoided as much as possible.


  • Water: Consume water with your meal rather than opting for fruit juices, or carbonated or aerated beverages. If you cannot resist the urge to drink alcohol, then limit your alcohol intake to just a glass or two.
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  • Spices: Order food that has medium to lesser spices so that it does not disturb your palate.
  • Veggies: Order more veggies or salads and soups or Buddha bowls so that you can reduce your intake of fried or fatty food.
  • Nutrition: Focus on ordering whole grains like brown rice/ whole wheat bread instead of white rice or white bread. The nutritious value of these whole grains is higher and therefore beneficial.
  • Portion Size: Control your portion size, to avoid overeating. In eateries, the portions are larger compared to our home-cooked meals. So, it is better to control our portions. We can always get the leftovers bagged.
  • Appetisers: You can always order an appetiser if you are not too hungry or partake in some fruits/soups.
  • Sauces: Normally the dishes are prepared with different sauces for enhanced flavours. You can always request for a small portion of these sauces to be served separately. These can be used as a dip, thereby reducing your intake of rich creamy sauces.
  • Focus: Your focus should be on ordering nourishing food that is good for your body rather than considering food as bad or good. Low-energy foods like soups, salads, and fruits reduce your hunger pangs and make you feel satiated.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
  • Meats: Non-vegetarians can opt for lean meats instead of processed meats like hot dogs, salami, or bacon.


  • Vegetarian Fare: Vegetarian fares like South Indian delicacies like Idly – Coconut chutney are easier to digest. You can choose from a variety like roasted cauliflower salad with chickpeas and herbs, broccoli and tofu salad, sweet potato fajitas, roasted eggplant and brown rice bowl with turmeric tahini, kale, and bean stew, lentil dals, green vegetables like spinach/ kale, millets, bell peppers, avocado, zucchini, sweet corn, etc.


  • Nutrients: An active lifestyle entails ordering food rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients that nourish your body, and food that is rich in proteins to support muscle growth and recovery from injury/illness.


  • Food to avoid: It is recommended to avoid oily, spicy, deep-fried, fatty food, whenever possible, however much you may crave it. A combination of fruits, vegetables, and soups is a better option.


  • Mindful eating: Eating mindfully and understanding the signals of your body is equally important. Concentrate on each morsel and chew it properly, which is the basic etiquette. Try to avoid conversation while eating, so that you can identify when your stomach signals that it is satiated. Do not eat mindlessly i.e. without thinking, to end up overeating!


  • Pace: Eat at your own pace. You are in no hurry to go anywhere. Sit back and enjoy your food. Do not gobble down your food just because everyone else has finished eating. You may be the only person in your group who is a slow eater, but that’s perfectly all right. You are not participating in a food-eating binge/ competition.


  • Desserts: Avoid sugary desserts. Opt for a glass of water or herbal tea instead.


  • Method of preparation: Request for information regarding the method of preparation of the food so that you can decide on your choices.


  • Hygiene: Check for the hygienic conditions where the food is prepared. Always select an eatery that is neat and clean. Avoid roadside stalls that have dubious hygienic conditions.


  • Fast Food: Try to avoid or at least limit your intake of fast food like burgers, fries, pizza, pasta, etc. that are loaded with gooey cheese/ cream/spices. You can opt for whole wheat pasta/pizza or falafel or sprouts/stir-fried veggies instead.


  • Social Eating: Eating out at social functions like weddings/parties etc., is a treat as there are vast varieties of food options available. There are healthy options of soups, salads, nibbles, stir-fried vegetables, and fruits, as people are more health conscious nowadays. You can always have good helpings of soups, salads, fruits and vegetables initially, so that by the time you move to the main course, you are almost full. This reduces your portion of the main course and at the same time, you are satisfied that you have eaten all that you wanted.

Well, we all desire a ‘cheat day’ when we want to gorge on all the oily, creamy, with extra cheese, spicy, tangy, salty, food. If you are following a healthy routine like waking up early, exercising daily, eating healthy, meditation, adequate hydration, and sound sleep, one ‘cheat day’ will not hurt. But if every day is a ‘cheat day’ for you, then you are in trouble!  

Food is food, but what and how you eat is what makes you! So choose healthy and stay healthy.

the aartery chronicles

Ms Rupal Sonpal

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