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Impact Of Positive Thinking On Our Life - Brighter Outlook And Transforming Perspectives...​

As we go about our lives, humans experience a flurry of emotions. Our brain, a super-computer, carefully monitors each emotion and feeling we encounter and then sends out signals to our body, prompting corresponding reactions. Positive emotions lead to feelings of happiness and cheerfulness, while negative emotions result in sensations of gloominess and stress. These negative feelings often cause us to experience a sense of being unwanted, unloved, undeserving, unnerved, unpopular, unsettled, unsociable, unsung, and diffident. Such emotions engross us to the extent that we become inattentive to the harm they inflict upon us.

For instance, if your pet passes away and you’re experiencing sadness because you loved it as your child. How many days will you cry? How many days will you stay hungry? How many nights will you spend being awake? How many days will you not get out of bed? How many days will you go on like this ?? Do you wish to fall into a state of depression?? Will this frame of mind contribute positively to your future?

It’s essential to come to terms with your irreparable loss and move on with life. What I mean to elucidate here is that you must shift your perspective and slowly let go of the sorrow. Engaging in activities like volunteering at a pet shelter, feeding stray animals, sponsoring meals at an NGO, or undertaking any other pursuit can gently substitute these emotions. This preparation will mentally guide you to consider bringing another pet into your home.

As we go about our lives, humans experience a flurry of emotions. Our brain, a super-computer, carefully monitors each emotion and feeling we encounter and then sends out signals to our body, prompting corresponding reactions. Positive emotions lead to feelings of happiness and cheerfulness, while negative emotions result in sensations of gloominess and stress. These negative feelings often cause us to experience a sense of being unwanted, unloved, undeserving, unnerved, unpopular, Unspoken, unsociable, unsung, and diffident. Such emotions engross us to the extent that we become inattentive to the harm they inflict upon us.



For instance, if your pet passes away and you’re experiencing sadness because you loved it as your child. How many days will you cry? How many days will you stay hungry? How many nights will you spend being awake? How many days will you not get out of bed? How many days will you go on like this ?? Do you wish to fall into a state of depression?? Will this frame of mind contribute positively to your future?


It’s essential to come to terms with your irreparable loss and move on with life. What I mean to elucidate here is that you must shift your perspective and slowly let go of the sorrow. Engaging in activities like volunteering at a pet shelter, feeding stray animals, sponsoring meals at an NGO, or undertaking any other pursuit can gently substitute these emotions. This preparation will mentally guide you to consider bringing another pet into your home.

Maintaining Positivity Amidst Adversity - An Optimistic Outlook

As Lord Buddha has said “If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win”, and I couldn’t agree more. Positive thinking is an important aspect of life, like a propeller that makes us move from a negative approach to a positive one. Life is simple, but we choose to make it complicated with our thoughts, actions and deeds. Naturally, this doesn't imply that we should disregard our negative emotions. Instead, it suggests that we should try our best to positively turn the situation around.

As Lord Buddha has said “If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win”, and I couldn’t agree more. Positive thinking is an important aspect of life, like a propeller that makes us move from a negative approach to a positive one. Life is simple, but we choose to make it complicated with our thoughts, actions and deeds. Naturally, this doesn't imply that we should disregard our negative emotions. Instead, it suggests that we should try our best to positively turn the situation around.

As Lord Buddha has said “If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win”, and I couldn’t agree more. Positive thinking is an important aspect of life, like a propeller that makes us move from a negative approach to a positive one. Life is simple, but we choose to make it complicated with our thoughts, actions and deeds. Naturally, this doesn’t imply that we should disregard our negative emotions. Instead, it suggests that we should try our best to positively turn the situation around.​

Nurturing Happiness and Well-being: The Journey Illuminated by a Positive Mindset

From a medical perspective, maintaining a positive outlook is crucial for our overall well-being, as it yields both physiological and psychological advantages. It lowers stress/blood pressure, reduces depression, alleviates pain/aches, enhances immunity, stabilizes cardiovascular health, prolongs life, enhances resilience, improves relationships, a sense of joy & happiness, brings triumph in accomplishments, increases self-confidence, broadens outlooks, changes mindsets, channelises perceptions, improves memory and reasoning, increases attention span, facilitates problem-solving and imbibes empathy.

To sum it up, a positive mindset is a path towards our happiness and well-being and helps us cope better with life by solving the problem with a positive solution that cushions the pessimism and cynicism associated with the problem.

From a medical perspective, maintaining a positive outlook is crucial for our overall well-being, as it yields both physiological and psychological advantages:

It lowers stress/blood pressure, reduces depression, alleviates pain/aches, enhances immunity, stabilizes cardiovascular health, prolongs life, enhances resilience, improves relationships, a sense of joy & happiness, brings triumph in accomplishments, increases self-confidence, broadens outlooks, changes mindsets, channelises perceptions, improves memory and reasoning, increases attention span, facilitates problem-solving and imbibes empathy.

To sum it up, a positive mindset is a path towards our happiness and well-being and helps us cope better with life by solving the problem with a positive solution that cushions the pessimism and cynicism associated with the problem.

How do we achieve this Positive mindset?

First of all, let’s identify the negative feelings associated with us, such as fear, jealousy, hatred, sloth, pessimism, low confidence, loss, cynicism, denial, defeat, gloom, bleakness, rejection, refusal, lack of enthusiasm, adversity, harm, invalidation, rebuttal, and so on, that we encounter in our lives. The solution to overcoming all these emotions involves changing our perspective to address them. This change can be accomplished through the following methods:

Positive Self-Talk: 

Refrain from engaging in negative self-talk and instead practice positive self-talk. Replace thoughts like “How will I do it? What if I am unable?” with affirmations like “I will give my best. I can do it.” Replace self-doubt with self-encouragement, just as you would encourage a relative who is questioning their abilities. Remember, you are your advocate in facing your challenges. It’s up to you to tackle them.


Acknowledge and express gratitude for the blessings in your life, such as your health, family, friends, pets, job, and everything else. Making a note of all the good things in your life will increase your positivity. This can be done by Journaling i.e. maintaining a gratitude journal and jotting down all the good things you are thankful for in your life.


What you send to the Universe, comes back to you. Thinking good thoughts will attract goodness your way. Stand in front of your mirror, look at yourself and repeat out loud “I am in the best situation”, “I am confident, happy and I am healing”. Repeating these words or any other words as per your choice will subconsciously make you feel positive. You can also write down your affirmations in your gratitude journal.


Thoroughly analyze the negative thought that is troubling you. Assess whether it holds any advantage or benefit in the current situation. If it doesn’t, it’s logically wise to discard it and substitute it with an alternative, positive thought.


Invest time in positive individuals. Engage with people who exert a positive and constructive influence on you—those who bring smiles, laughter, happiness, and motivation Learn from them to develop this attitude and make your life enjoyable.


Decorate your workspace or home with a poster showcasing a picturesque natural scene. Set a positive quote as your mobile wallpaper. Listen to enlightening talks by speakers like BK Shivani, Gaur Gopal Das, Sri Sri Ravishankar, His Excellency The Dalai Lama, or other renowned figures. Immerse yourself in the literature that imparts positive wisdom. These actions will subtly guide your mind toward a more positive perspective.


Maintain good health, ensuring you are physically fit, alert and energetic, clear-headed, whereby you can nip the problem in the bud JLT (just like that). After all a calm mind can do wonders what a cluttered one cannot.


Diligently follow a routine best suited to you. Wake up early in the morning, practice meditation, go for a jog/walk, do some exercises, enjoy your breakfast, write your affirmations, practice positive self-talk, and go to work. In the evening, spend time with your children, take your pet for a walk, read, listen to music, unwind, and jot down five things that you were grateful for. Close your eyes and for five minutes soak in the gratitude and envisage the manifestations that you desire.


These are positive statements that help you achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality by taking all the relevant steps required for the same. In other words, replacing the negatives and focusing on the goal with positives may lead to the desired outcomes. There is a book called ‘The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne stating the fundamental Law of Attraction of “Ask, Believe, Receive”. Specify your desire, believe that you have it and be grateful when you receive it.


Laughter is the best medicine, as the saying goes. Laughter reduces our stress, changes our mood, and improves our immunity. When you feel under the weather, see a cartoon film, listen to jokes, talk with someone who can make you laugh so that you get distracted and learn how to face life resiliently. Medically speaking laughter releases endorphins that are mood elevators, so LOL.

Personal care:

Pamper yourself. Regularly engage in self-care activities. A spa day, for instance, can be remarkably relaxing, calming your nerves and alleviating worries and stress. Select your preferred self-care method – whether it’s enjoying a refreshing cold coffee, savouring a chocolate lava cake, indulging in a double banana split, luxuriating in a warm and lengthy bath, immersing yourself in a good book, donning a new outfit, shopping, cooking, watching a movie, listening to music, playing a musical instrument, or dancing with carefree enthusiasm. Embrace anything that lifts your spirits and brings you joy.




Practise meditation daily and you will be amazed to see how gradually your life changes. Your focus will increase and you will be better equipped to deal with all your emotions. The results are not instant, but with practice and effort, they can be managed very well.




Practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment and cultivating awareness during every activity and in our surroundings, free from preconceptions or judgments. This practice significantly enhances both our emotional and physical well-being, contributing to increased happiness and improved health. Incorporate mindful practices such as conscious breathing, mindful eating, thoughtful thinking, attentive listening, and meditation into your routine.



Mind training:

The mind has a lot to offer us but we are unaware of its power. Challenge yourself and utilize your mind more by solving puzzles, taking quizzes, questioning ideas, playing memory games, and developing your hunger for knowledge and skills. This will keep you sharp, boost your self-confidence, make you alert and enable you to think clearly and discover new methods to overcome all your obstacles.



Discover yourself: 

We are so used to the mundane life that we miss out on the excitement of trying out different activities. So get up and get going! Discover the world, make your memories, indulge in an activity that you always wanted to do or a completely new activity and broaden your horizons. Experience the thrill of life, explore new possibilities and you will learn more about yourself.



Avoid negativity:

Avoid and stay away from any person or incident that hurts you as toxicity is detrimental in any form. It could be a violent film about squabbling neighbours, scolding relatives or any such event. If possible, try to ease the situation around, and if not – then walk away from it. It may seem rude, but what has to be done – has to be done. Period!



Digital detox:

This is very important nowadays and is my personal favourite. For a couple of hours each weekend, to begin with, mobile/phone, no TV, no computer/laptop: enjoy the sound of crows cawing, fluttering feathers of pigeons, tick-tock of the clock, the sounds of cooking from the kitchen, the sound of the fans/AC, the sound of children laughing, the chanting of prayers by parents, the dogs barking outside, and so on… listen and enjoy each sound and it will make you feel so good.



Cultivate happiness:

Reflect on the instances in your life that brought you joy and contentment. Revisit childhood photo albums, reminisce about your first date, your initial paycheck, your inaugural job assignment, your first love, and other such positive memories.



Good karma:

As taught in schools, “do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.“ Engage in simple activities like teaching the senior citizen neighbour upstairs how to use a smartphone, rehearsing dance steps with the neighbour’s children, arranging tea and snacks for the watchman, and so on. Such activities make you feel good about yourself thereby improving your self-confidence.




Pray to God or whichever power you believe in as it makes you feel calm and at peace and drives away any negative thoughts and feelings.


We face so many emotions in any given situation, hence we should endeavour to make our best efforts to mould the situation rationally to mitigate the downside and benefit from the same. Life is made up of many layers. It is up to us to unravel it, layer by layer, and live it in the best way possible, without causing any harm to any other living being on this planet. To conclude with a saying of Lord Buddha “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.”

Author: Mrs. Rupal Sonpal, Copywriter

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